Re-New exhibition on alternative usage & re-design

Cyprus : Re-New exhibition on alternative usage & re-design

Re-New - Exhibition on alternative usage and re-design of the cultural heritage

19-29 November 2018

Re-New is an inspiring action organized by ARTos Foundation aiming at activating and integrating the creative industry in the sustainable development. We live in the times where: economy, society and arts are going through a huge crisis. There is a big need of innovative alternative solutions. The Re-New program explores the “new” through the "old" - based on the cultural heritage which survived similar, or perhaps even worst events.

Both creative industry and the young were exposed to unemployment and budget cuts while the process of recovery seems slow.
Art, via its disruptive and alternative dynamic, it can play a major role to the development of new standards and models of sustainable entrepreneurship.

In addition to the upcoming exhibition, Re-New project hosted workshops, symposia and creations with new technologies.

ARTos Foundation had an important exchange of “know-how” with the highly successful NGO Emmaus Alsace ( and Apollonia in Strasbourg. In parallel, organizations from Cyprus were invited to participate in the symposium, such as: AKTI, GREEN DOT, RECYCLUS, RETO and much more.

Opening of the exhibition: November 19 at 8.30pm

Curator: Mrs. Yianna Tsolakis, with the participation of
• Alexandros Economou
• Athena Antoniadou
• Constantinos Economides / Katia Stavrinou
• Sax Oliver
• Stella a.k.a Astraki
• Tita Stylianou
• Tina Christofidou
• Pippa D / Yianna Tsolaki

ARTos Foundation 64. Ay. Omoloyites, 1080, Nicosia
Duration :19-29 November
Opening hours Monday - Friday 9.30-17.00


On Weekdays
From: Monday, November 19th, 2018
Until: Thursday, November 29th, 2018
Time: See Description


64 Ayion Omoloyiton Avenue
Nicosia, Nicosia 1080, Cyprus
Phone: 22445455




Phone: 22445455

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