Reinventing the Terminology of Art (Biennale de Paris)

Cyprus : Reinventing the Terminology of Art (Biennale de Paris)

The 17th Biennale de Paris is taking place where things are occurring.

From 19 to 25 October 2010, it is in Nicosia in partnership with ARTos
Foundation. The headlight project of this Biennale de Paris edition is to reinvent the terminology of art by the following outline:

Art was built by successive liberations from its own values. New practices appeared along with new terms. Literally, it is by the terminology that these changes partly wrote the history of art. A term always arises from an existing practice and defines it
thus that it was hitherto indefinable. Name it is to have it

Moreover it allows a progression and an extension of the practice from which it is deriving. The terminology of art has become richer since its beginnings - the Renaissance - and has changed very little over the last fifty years. Accepting the immobility of the terminology of art would be admitting the impossibility of historical continuity. On the contrary, a renewed terminology is an encouraging sign that art is being transformed. This is why an update has become essential. The nature of the Biennale de Paris constitutive steps means that the usual art words are insufficient to realise, to identify or to describe them. In that, new words or terms are necessary. These terms are laying the foundations of a new art terminology.

Conference Programme:

- Welcome by Alexandre Gurita (Biennale de Paris)
- Welcome by Achilleas Kentonis (ARTos Foundation)
- Greeting by Ms Louli Michaelidou, Cultural Services,
- Ministry of Education and Culture, on behalf of Mr. Pavlos Paraskevas, Director of Cultural Services.
- Greeting by Ms Eleni Mavrou, Mayor of Nicosia
- Greeting by Elpida Keravnou, President of CUT Governing Board
- Introduction of the international projects participating in the 17th Biennale de Paris by the artists.
- Conference speeches.
- Question and Answer session with the public –
- Coordinated by Foivos Liasidis

Conference Speakers / Titles of Presentations:

Alexandre Gurita

Loic Depecker
Terminology and real

Ghislain Mollet-Vieville
Art agent & non-artistic art

Genevieve Breerette
Art by terminology

Achilleas Kentonis
Data Cities / Meta-environments

Jean-Baptiste Farkas
To operate in real


Thursday, October 21st, 2010
Time: 17:00 - 21:00


64 Ayion Omoloyiton Avenue
Nicosia, Nicosia 1080, Cyprus
Phone: 22445455



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