Re turn

Flying Away Art and Music Festival» and Mix FM present the group show «Return» on Monday 02 September at 20.00 at Aigaia School of Art and Design.
There are points when endings are inseparable from beginnings.
We evolve by turning into the cyclical field of our internal reference, were In-spiration enters with every breath we take, and our life is renewed with every breath we exhale.
Just as the caterpillar is reborn into a beautiful butterfly by being enclosed in a cocoon woven from its own internal substances, the same way the creative process is a returning to the essence of our being. Almost ritualistically, the artist is always turning inwards, into the substance of his own formless world and externalizes it by giving form to a new piece of artwork. This can only happen in the present tense. Ephemeral and passing away to the ordinary mind, yet cyclical and never-ending to the creative mind, the 'Now' is continually being reborn into another now which in turn is what keeps our constant experience shaping our future.
An artwork hence, becomes a symbol of regeneration through return, an almost mystical action which takes up the metaphoric meaning of re-enacted cosmogony in primordial time, since the artist is in himself a microcosmic creator of a microcosmic universe – the artwork.
Turning points and new beginnings, not only of an artwork, but in any level, are moments of purity, symbolic of the cosmic big-bang where all forms are given birth out of the collective field of amorphous energy. New beginnings are always cyclical, the old has to transform itself, yet still retain the purest part of its being. Just as the caterpillar, we all go through the internalized process of little deaths in order to be re-born into our highest, butterfly self and this is evolution.
Transforming our personal internal substances is what initiates change on the larger scale of the external world since each one of us is an inseparable unique unit of a large whole.
Transcending the linear, chronological present, creativity is always cyclical, recoverable, rewindable, reversible, returnable.
Participating Artists : Nicholas Antoniou / Athina Antoniadou / Panos Kralievits / Katerina Moleski / Anna Lytridou / Margarita Paraskevaidou / Lefki Savvidou / Katerina Stavrou / Anna Tokareva / Maria Trillidou / Philippos Vasiliades.
/ Improvisation using analogue synths and loop station by Chris & Terry
/ Tony Cusack .
Opening: Monday 2 September 2013, 20:00-24:00
Exhibition dates: 2-4 September 2013
Open Daily: 10.00-13.00 και 16.00-20.00
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