Routylos and the Nymphs of the Sea

Cyprus : Routylos and the Nymphs of the Sea

A musical tale with harps

What will happen if six children play on their harps, with strings tangled up as lunar threads, in their hands? The sound of the harp is without doubt magical and takes us away to dream-lands.

The tale tells the story of a lonesome musician, mourning the loss of his beloved one; six dreamy beings with pearly eyes guarding the sea; strings and lunar threads under the full moon; a goddess shape-shifted into a golden swan; eerie melodies and journeys beyond the human limits.
The audience will enjoy, free of charge, the musical tale with harps “Routylos and the Nymphs of the Sea”, a performance which aims at creating a magical ambiance with unique sounds and eerie beings, taking us away from the sphere of reality, into faraway, dreamy places.
The event is organised by the PositivumInterdisciplinary Centre in collaboration with the SPAVO (Association for the Prevention and Handling Violence in the Family). The performance has been prepared by the children of the Creative Harp Studio, for the children of the Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family.

The performance is suitable for all audiences and the admission is free, while donations for SPAVO will be collected on the day, for those who wish, at the performance venue.

Music: Andreas Moustoukis
Text: Maria Yerosimou
Narration: Elena Hadjiafxendi
Choreography: SotiaChristoforou
Harp teaching: Maria Yerosimou (Creative Harp Studio)
Costumes: Paphos Theatre Institute
Art work for poster: Eirini Mnasonos

Performers – Creative Harp Studio students:
Erato Moustouki
Daria Nikolaou
Sofia Nikolaou
Sofia Vlami

Language of the event: Greek
Date: Sunday 21 October 2018.
Venue: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation – Faneromeni area.
Time of attendance: 16:30.
Time of performance: 17:00.
Free admission.
Reservations: 99901417

The event is under the auspices of the Commissioner for the Protection of Children’s Rights.


Sunday, October 21st, 2018
Time: Starts at 17:00


86-90 Phaneromenis Str.
Nicosia, Nicosia 1011, Cyprus
Phone: 22128157


Free Entrance


Phone: 99407494

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