Scarlet Sewn Stories

Cyprus : Scarlet Sewn Stories

An exhibition where the book becomes the woman and the woman becomes the book. Books which signal the representation of women, past and present, have been cut, reshaped and sewn up as dresses.

Artist Angela Evangelo presents her new solo exhibition entitled “Scarlet Sewn Stories” at Garage. The opening night is Friday 19th October 2018 at 7pm.

At this latest exhibition, the artist presents women’s dresses to actual size, each one composed of the pages of a book. Books - landmarks and points of reference to the representation and the treatment of women in the history of mankind. Works composed of the most distinctive misogynistic and homophobic extracts from “The Bible”; pages from Simone De Beauvoir’s “Second Sex”; Michel Foucault’s “The History of Sexuality”; Judith Butler’s “Gender Trouble”; The details of Cypriot Parliamentary meetings on human trafficking; P. Kouzalis’ poem “Penelope”; and one piece of work composed entirely of sanitary towels.

The works are all sewn with scarlet red thread, the archetypal colour of blood but also a symbol of life; the stitch which heals the wound. Women have learnt to live in their blood, while carrying with them the burdens of trauma from history. Through this exhibition, the artist poses questions and urges us to search and find our own misogyny, embedded within, and carried by, each and every one of us. And then asks: to what extent have we, as abused women, adopted the abuser? To what extent have we all been restricted or even disabled by the constrictive bipolar male/female? Are we trapped within given and imposed identities?

Exhibition under the care of Elena Parouti

The exhibition is supported by WICZ (Women In Conflict Zones).
Duration: 19-27 October 2018

Garage art space is at 16 Famagusta Street, within the walls of Nicosia, street opposite Famagusta Gate.

Exhibition opening times: Monday-Saturday: mornings 10:30 – 12:00 and afternoons 5:30 – 8:00pm.

99535329 / [email protected]

For more on the artist, see:


Monday through Saturday
From: Friday, October 19th, 2018
Until: Saturday, October 27th, 2018
Time: See Description


16 Ammochostou Street
Niccosia, Nicosia 1016, Cyprus
Phone: 99034654




Angela Evangelou
Phone: 99535329

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