Sexuality & Law

Cyprus : Sexuality & Law

The Psychological Support Office (University of Cyprus Academic Affairs & Student Welfare), in collaboration with the Cyprus Family Planning Association, invite you to the open presentation "Sexuality & Law".

In this session Demetris Parperis will discuss the legal stance on issues pertaining to sexuality and rights, such as consent, regulation of relationships, pregnancy, and self-determination. We will discuss how the law deals with several phenomena and behaviors that pertain to sexuality, as well as the ramifications of some of these laws through a human rights perspective. Next, Kalia Kampanella will discuss the issue of handling sexual crimes, through legal means.

The event takes place in the context of the 1st Non Formal Learning Summer School of the UCY Student Welfare Service "Let's Talk about Sex!", and is free to the public.


Thursday, June 26th, 2014
Time: 11:30 - 13:00


1 University Avenue
University of Cyprus
Nicosia, Nicosia 2109, Cyprus




Georgia Constantinidou
Phone: 22894068

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