Shark Bait
Plot Summary: The story begins in an ocean ruled by big and powerful sharks who prey on the fearful; of a young fish named Pi who suffers a great loss and moves to a new town where he falls in love with a beautiful fish and angers the resident shark bully, The Reef (initially known as Shark Bait) who also has a crush on her too, won't take no for an answer. After nearly becoming fish food, Pi is urged by Cordelia to stay away for his own sake. For the first time ever he is about to embark on an adventure that will change the lives of the Reef's inhabitants, forever. After meeting his Aunt Pearl, who uses a pink pearl to tell him his destiny, Pi sets out with his cousin Dylan (Andy Dick) to see the Reef. Pi learns two important things: first, to stay away from the old pirate ship wreckage and the wise the spooky old sea turtle dwells, Nerissa who teaches Pi so much about the ways of the sea. As he stands up to the big bully shark then save his home and the love of his life.
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