The Silence and the Emptiness

Cyprus : The Silence and the Emptiness

Choreographic Composition Workshop “The Silence and the Emptiness”.

Chorotheatro Omada Pende invites Nina Dipla from Paris, on October 2nd - 5th, 2014.

Nina’s Dipla choreographic composition method is inspired by the teachings of Pina Bausch from Folkwang University of the Arts. This method emphasizes on the weight, energy, breathing and the experience of creating and composing movement. The dancer must project his inner truth and listen to his own body in order to eliminate any tendency to imitation.

The workshop emphasizes on the breath, the relaxation and the experience of creating and composing movement. The student is invited to experience both his inside and outside space through propositions that encourage him to deepen his choreographic vocabulary. To explore the notion of time, the ways he can manipulate it during the creation process and how to concentrate on his own intuition at the time.

This is a 15-hour long workshop and is suitable for professional dancers and actors, dance and theatre students.

At the Dance House Lemesos,
17, Andrea Drousioti Street (above KIT KAT café), Hero’s Square, Limassol.

Thursday and Friday 2nd & 3rd of October at 7:00p.m. – 10p.m.
Saturday 4th at 10:00p.m. - 15:00p.m.
Sunday 5th of October at 9:00p.m. - 14:00p.m.

- Participation fee: €65
- Members of ‘Dance House Lemesos’: €55
- Members of ‘Cyprus New Movement of Dance Groups, Dancers and Choreographers’: €55

For more information and registration contact: 99335537 or 99349265
Final date for registration: September 28th, 2014

The workshop is organized in the framework of TERPSICHORI program.

Sponsor: The cultural services of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus.

Supported by: Dance House Lemesos

Nina Dipla was born in Thessaloniki. She was a member of the Greek national rhythmic gymnastics team from 1980 to 1985. She started lessons of classic dance under the teachings of Aspa Foutsi and Daniel Lommel and then joined the Rosella Hightower National Dance Centre in Cannes. At the age of 17, she signed her first contract with the National Theatre of Thessaloniki. In 1993 she graduated from Folkwand Hochschule in Essen. She then became a member of Folkwang Tanz Studio (FTS) and worked, among others, with Pina Bausch with whom she danced the “Rite of Spring”.

Since 1999, Nina works with various choreographers, composers and directors and has created a rich curriculum. She worked as an assistant at Tanz Theatre Wuppertal (Pina Pausch) for the resumption of “Tannhäuser”. Nina currently lives in Paris. She received the National Diploma for Teachers and is now a dance teacher at ERAC (School of Dramatic Art in Cannes). She also teaches at CND (Centre National de la Danse) in Paris and Lyon, at CNSMDC (Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse) in Lyon, at the “Ménagerie de Verre” in Paris, at Kelemenis Studio, at the group of Philippe Saire in Geneva and of Christiane Blaise, the company Philippe Saire (Geneva) and Christiane Blaise at Centre Chorégraphique Tours and offers courses abroad (Germany, Greece, Slovenia).

She has been invited as a choreographer/teacher at the Conservatoire d'Art Dramatique of Montpellier, under the direction of Ariel Garzia Valdés. In May 2008, she collaborated with the Atelier de Paris - Cartoucherie and Josef Nadj (choreographic workshop AFDAS). For the season 2008-2009, Nina Dipla was invited to France (CND, various CCN) and abroad (Brazil, Canada, Greece, Slovakia) as choreographer and educator.


From: Thursday, October 2nd, 2014
Until: Sunday, October 5th, 2014
Time: See Description


17 Andrea Drousioti Street
Heroes Square
Limassol, Limassol 3040, Cyprus
Phone: 77777798


€65 / €55


Fotianna Filita
Phone: 99335537

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