Social Movements in Europe and the Middle East

Cyprus : Social Movements in Europe and the Middle East

The Resources for Democracy project which is implemented by the NGO Support Centre in collaboration with the University of Nicosia and the Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD), with the support of UNDP-ACT, is organizing, on the 8th and 9th of May, a two-day workshop entitled “Social Movements in Europe and the Middle East - Interpreting the Anti-Austerity and Pro-Democracy Protests”.

The workshop will take place at the Home for Cooperation and will involve an open discussion on Friday the 8th which will commence at 17:30 and a series of seminars on Saturday the 9th that will run from 09:00 till 13:00.

In the workshop we will examine the social and protest movements we have witnessed in the Arab Region (focusing on Egypt), Greece and Turkey. Moreover the case of Cyprus’ social and protest movement mobilizations in both communities will be discussed.

The workshop will feature the following speakers:
Dr. Peristianis President of the Council of the University of Nicosia
Dr Ahmet Sozen Research Director of the Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD)
Nelly Corbel, Executive Director of Lazord
Dr. Stefanos Vallianatos Coordinator of the Greek Network of the Anna Lindh. Foundation
Dr. Tuğrul İlter, Chair of the Center of Research and Communication for Peace.

For more information about the workshop please contact Savvas Charalambous at [email protected]/22875099 or Meltem Ikinci at [email protected].


From: Friday, May 8th, 2015
Until: Saturday, May 9th, 2015
Time: See Description


28 Marcou Dracou Street
Opposite Ledra Palace
Nicosia, Nicosia 1102, Cyprus
Phone: 22445740


Savvas Charalambous
Phone: 22875099

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