Soul Kitchen

Cyprus : Soul Kitchen

Zinos Kazantsakis owns and caters the Soul Kitchen, a warehouse restaurant in Hamburg, where the working-class clientele like deep-fried schnitzels and burgers with their beer. Always running behind the eight-ball, Zinos even arrives late for the farewell dinner of his girlfriend, Nadine, who's leaving for a job in Shanghai. When Zinos' larcenous younger brother, Illias, is let out of jail on day release, he asks Zinos to give him a fake job so he can get out more often. Zinos also hires a professional chef, the temperamental Shayn, who brings dramatic changes to the restaurant. Firstly the regular guests are shocked by the new Haute cuisine, but slowly they learn to cherish the good food. Thanks to a DJ mixing console, which was stolen by Illias, the Soul Kitchen becomes a popular music place. But soon new stress is caused by property shark Neumann who tries to buy the restaurant for a new property development.

Adam Bousdoukos (Zinos Kazantsakis)
Moritz Bleibtreu (Illias Kazantsakis)
Birol Ünel (Shayn Weiss)
Pheline Roggan (Nadine Krüger)

Director: Fatih Akin
Writer: Fatih Akin, Adam Bousdoukos
Runtime: 99 min
Genre: Comedy
Language: German, Greek
Production Year: 2009

Soul Kitchen Trailer


Wednesday, October 27th, 2010
Time: Starts at 20:30


Andrea Drousioti 19
Platia Iroon
Limassol, Limassol 3603, Cyprus
Phone: 77777745


€7 / €5

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