Stass Paraskos

Cyprus : Stass Paraskos

Stass Paraskos presents his latest work at “Kypriaki Gonia” Gallery in Larnaca. The exhibition will be opened by Mr. Nikos Koshis and Mr. Kikis Lazarides on Tuesday 13 December 2011 at 7.30 p.m.

Stass Paraskos was born in 1933 and grew up tending his family’s flock in Anafotia. In 1953 he moved to England where he had worked as a cook in Leeds, before he enrolled at Leeds College of Art , in the early 1960 he moved to St Ives, Cornwall and later began teaching at art schools. In 1970 he started teaching at the Cantebury Collage of Art, where he became Head of the School of Painting. That same year he also founded a Summer School of artists in Cyprus. Which, he developed in 1978, into the Cyprus College of Art, at Lemba, where he is now Principal. He has had many solo shows and has participated in group exhibitions, both in Cyprus and abroad. His work is represented in significant art collections around the world, including that of Tate Gallery in London, Leeds City Art Gallery, Arts Council Collections, University of Leeds.

Comments by Dr Nadia Anaxagorou: “In an abstract representational realismand a fauvist symbolist rendition .of colour in shimmering yellows, green and reds and the mystical, metaphysical purple-blue tones, Stass Paraskos records Cypriot rural everyday life, traditions and rituals, hard work and leisure. Human, natural and architectural forms, with their static flatness defined by emphatic contours, resemble pictures in suspended animation. At times, they even develop into self-contained stories with a beginning a climax and an end, in the mode of folk tale and painting. Faces, often, get totally featureless and protagonists are, thus, reduced to constituent entities of a collective consciousness, which captures in a nutshell the very temperament and soul, inherent in the landscape and light of Cyprus.”

Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday: 10.00 - 13.00 & 16.30 - 20.00
Sunday: 11:00 - 14:00


From: Tuesday, December 13th, 2011
Until: Friday, January 13th, 2012
Time: See Description


45 Stadiou Street
Larnaca, Larnaca 6020, Cyprus
Phone: 24621109

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