Stefano Paci - No Relation

Cyprus : Stefano Paci - No Relation

50 plin 1 Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition by Italian artist
Stefano Paci, opening on Monday September 26th at 20:00. The exhibition "No Relation" takes place from September 26 until October 20.

After Visitors, Dialoghi and Conserve, which are prior to these latest works and which preserve in their bright chromatism a sort of naturalistic longing, just as much more disturbing as more immerged in its full Mediterranean brightness, in search of a dialogue or a meaning between the hills of Marche and the beaches of Cyprus; here we find ourselves in a different scene, inside a comparison that has no pretense, under the title No Relation.

The non-communicability is in fact the theme or the magnetic field in which these elementary shapes are staying, they seem to have turned out into simple but at the same time enigmatic patches of color, entities which graze themselves but do not touch. They have nothing in common but they rather face each other on perimetrical lines, raw in their gestures and less innocent, some produce on their own skin, like a multicolored musk, brushes which seem to be traces of irritations, wounds, scratches of an existence that escapes from every representation.

Beneath the beauty of primary colors, in shadow areas, the loss of breathing and rushes of those who want to listen and contemplate can be perceived, as the poet Sandro Penna would say, the sweet sound of life, but at the same time a foreign music can be perceived, generated by these isolated and very closed masses, touched by a present destiny and an unsurpassed loneliness.

Stefano Paci withdraws this gaze from his deepest and childish resources, a gaze that is in love and severe to the world and his fight for resistance is entrusted to a chromatic alphabet which is willingly reduced, based on contrasts like me and the other, yellow and black, small and big, red and green, pain and cause, yet it is in this plain and dramatic non-dialogue that his feeling for time survives; it seems to materialize along borders, where the artist, worried and with little hopes, follows the sinuous and ineffable borderlines of his shapes that never touch.

Opening Hours
Tuesday - Friday: 10:00 - 13:00 & 16:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 14:00


Tuesday through Saturday
From: Monday, September 26th, 2011
Until: Thursday, October 20th, 2011
Time: See Description


49 Ellados Street
Limassol, Limassol 3041, Cyprus

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