Tales from the Bar of Lost Souls

Cyprus : Tales from the Bar of Lost Souls

At the end of his life a dying man turns to his only friend and asks him to put right a wrong committed many years ago. Saying yes, the friend embarks on a journey that takes him back to The Bar of Lost Souls, a place where, it is said, your deepest desires become real.

The Bar of Lost Souls can be found at the quayside. You will know it when you see it. All sorts of dissolute people can be found there: pimps, whores, sailors and petty criminals, the police and even judges. If you open the door you'll smell the stale air and you'll be able to hear singing from the little stage at the back of its darkened room. If you dare go in you best have eyes in the back of your head, you have to be so careful not to get your purse snatched or your face slashed. Yes, it's dangerous all right. But if you manage to get in, you'll never forget the experience.

Are you prepared to face what you really desire?

The Cyprus Theatre Organisation together with the National Theatre of Greece and UK theatre company Imitating The Dog have teamed up to present a new innovate piece of theatre which combines the practice of story-telling and the use of multimedia techniques. This project is under the framework of the British Council’s Creative Collaboration Project which was launched in August 2008 and focuses on enriching the cultural life of Europe and its surrounding countries, and building networks for dialogue and debate across the arts communities of South East Europe and the UK.

The result of this innovative and multilevel collaboration between National Theatre of Greece, THOC and Imitating the dog will be presented in Athens, then Lefkosia and finally tour the UK. The collaboration is complemented and extended by a genuine cross-cultural exploration of workshop techniques aimed at young theatre professionals and theatre lovers in all three countries. Workshops for young people between 17-25, will take place in Lefkosia from 16 – 25 September 2009 in English and Greek, enabling them to practice story telling through the use of multimedia techniques.


From: Thursday, September 24th, 2009
Until: Saturday, September 26th, 2009
Time: Starts at 20:30


Kampou 29
Strovolos, Nicosia 2030, Cyprus
Phone: 22480300


Phone: 22492900

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