TEDx University of Nicosia - The Future Is...

Imagine having access to a crystal ball - to see and understand what the future holds. Many great minds have attempted to do precisely this: Hegel, Huxley, Plato, Toffler, Wells …more recently Nick Bostrom, William Gibson, Antony Giddens and Eric Schmidt. Is it possible to answer questions such as is there life in space?
Will stem cell research lead to designer babies? How will urban life look? Where will I work? What kind of world will I live in? What culture will I consume? Will AI be threatening to mankind?
The 2015 TEDx University of Nicosia theme is ‘The Future Is…’ It is an unfinished sentence to be completed in numerous ways. Our aim is to create sentences beginning with the future is and address the assumptions they create. We do so with one objective in mind, to be better prepared to face our future and, by doing so, to enhance our lives in the present moment.
This year’s TEDxUniversityofNicosia aspires to present the most influential speakers with ideas worth spreading about the future. Our theme meets three of the most essential TEDTalk objectives.
- To democratize knowledge and science.
- To stimulate and arouse audiences around the world.
- To spark deep discussion and connections.
So the future is…? Let’s find out.
For more information visit www.tedxunic.com
€35 / €20
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