The Bald Soprano

Cyprus : The Bald Soprano

The theater group "Solo for Three" presents the play "The Bald Soprano", the first play written by Romanian-French playwright Eugène Ionesco.

The Smiths are a traditional couple from London who have invited another couple, the Martins, over for a visit. They are joined later by the Smiths' maid, Mary, and the local fire chief, who is also Mary's lover. The two families engage in meaningless banter, telling stories and relating nonsensical poems. At one point, Mrs. Martin converses with her husband as if he were a stranger she just met. As the fire chief turns to leave, he mentions "the bald soprano" in passing, which has a very unsettling effect on the others. Mrs. Smith replies that "she always styles her hair the same way." After the Fire Chief's exit, the play devolves into a series of complete non-sequiturs with no resemblance to normal conversation. It ends with the two couples shouting in unison "It's not that way. It's over here!" ("C’est pas par là, c’est par ici!" ) right before a blackout occurs. When the lights come back on, the scene starts from the beginning with the Martins reciting the Smiths' lines from the beginning of the play for a while before the curtain closes.

Adapted and directed by Maria Mannaridou Karsera

For more info and reservations call: 99711261

(in Greek)


On specific days
From: Wednesday, December 19th, 2018
Until: Monday, February 4th, 2019
Time: Starts at 20:30


1 Adamantiou Korai Street
Nicosia, Nicosia Cyprus


Phone: 99711261

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