The Fleet of Pomia

Wooden creations by Anna Marangou, Anna and Athos Pasha
The exhibition and fairy tales will be introduced by Mrs. Xenia Loizidou, coastal engineer, Monday, October 24, 2016 at 7.30pm
The sailing boats were made in the summer of 2016 in Pomos, in the Paphos District.
The sailing boats have been constructed from driftwood bleached by the sun and sea found on remote beaches in Pomos. We also collected shells, stones, seaweed, old ropes, nails and rusted tins, copper piping.....what people without thought for the environment, throw away.
The sailing boats have been mainly inspired by the beauty of the place, the tranquility of the setting, away from the noise and hub of cities and from a need to show to our children the importance of keeping our beaches clean of debris. We also had time to look into the history of our area (Arrian, The Anabasis of Alexander 2.13.7) and found that Cypriots gave Alexander the Great 120 sailing boats for the siege of Tyre. J. V Thirgood, in his book on the Forests of Cyprus states that the Cypriot fleet, which was given to Alexander the Great was manufactured near Symboulas, near the forest of Yialia, which provided the necessary lumbar for the boats.
Symboulas is the river which flows in Pomos.
So with the help of a small Black and Decker, a hammer, nails and screws of all shapes and sizes we set about creating our own fleet like good carpenters, (Marangoi) with zeal and joy.
Opening Hours
Monday: 17.00 - 20.00
Tuesday-Friday: 10.30 - 12.30 & 17.00 - 20.00
Saturday: 10.30 - 12.30
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