The Loan

Cyprus : The Loan

THOC presents in its Main Stage, for only two performances, the play "The Loan", a comedy by the Catalan playwright Jordi Galceran in a production of the Greek theater group "Neos Kosmos".

There are only two characters in this story, a man who has come to ask for a 3000 euro loan and a bank manager. The beauty and suspense of the game, however, comes from how the positions change of the extortionist and the side that gives in, of the master of the situation and the one who is in a bind. Needless to say, this duel is not held using force – no, everything remains in the form of a conversation behind a desk. Yet nevertheless, fates are reversed! The manipulator’s best accomplice is naturally the other person’s fear. Feed fear with the necessary words, give it sufficient material and it will evoke all manner of possible and impossible dreadful pictures before a person’s eyes and help to make the person believe that they are true.

Translation: Els de Paros
Directed by: Vangelis Theodoropoulos, Pantelis Detakis

(in Greek)


From: Tuesday, May 16th, 2017
Until: Wednesday, May 17th, 2017
Time: Starts at 20:30


9 Gregori Afxentiou
Nicosia, Nicosia 1096, Cyprus
Phone: 77772717



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