Through me, THEM & Into the roots

Cyprus : Through me, THEM & Into the roots

Presentation of the choreographic works 'Through me, THEM--' by Panayiotis Tofi and 'into the roots...' by Aneesha Michael

20:30 'Through me, THEM--' Panayiotis Tofi
20:50 Short Break
21:00 'into the roots...' Aneesha Michael

20:30 'Through me, THEM--'
A choreographic piece that has been created having as a point of departure the movement response of women, submitted through one-minute videos after an open call. Participants were asked to share, their unique, personal experience in regard to male dominance, loss, and isolation through bodily movement. The movement material received has been put together and has been edited towards the creation of an integrated piece, performed by the male choreographer, considering that his body is a means contributing towards the communication of female struggle in social context, at current times.


Concept, research, choreography, performance:
Panayiotis Tofi
Videos submitted by:
Sandra Adiarte (DE), Jodi Ann Nicholson (UK), Maria Bamiha (CY), Safiye Bağkur (CY), Mine Çelik (CY), Areti Chourdaki (FR), Gülperi Doğaner (CY), Çisem Eray (CY), Maria Erotokritou (CY), Bridget Finn (UK), Sonay Gardıyanoğlu (CY), Düriye Gökçebağ (CY), Figen Gürgöze (CY), Panayiota Κapnisi (CY), Pembe Külah (CY), Marianna Mouchsiadou (CY), Jana Otčenášková (CZ), Mürüde Özenen (CY), Natasa Panayi (CY), Kristýna Sedláčková Weiserová (CZ), Nandia Theocharidou (CY), Gizem Topönder (CY), Marilena Ttofi (CY), Eda Türmen (CY), Sevya Türmen (CY), Huri Yontucu (CY).

Music composition:
Jakub Otčenášek, Antonis Antoniou
Costume and stage design:
Rea Olympiou - George Yiannou
Lighting design:
Panagiotis Manousis
Theodora Iacovou
Pavlos Vryonides

Special Thanks:
Anthi Antoniadou, Bori Choi, Stavros Stavrou, Elena Andreou

Panayiotis Tofi:
Trinity Laban graduate holding a First Class BA in Contemporary Dance and a Diploma in Dance studies. Works of his have been presented in Cyprus, Greece and the U.K. He has collaborated as a movement director and choreographer for more than 20 theatrical performances during the past four years, working with several directors, amongst which Heinz-Uwe Haus, Demetris Baslam, Paris Erotokritou, Melita Couta – Harry Kafkarides, Maria Karolidou. He has been awarded as ‘Creator of the Year’ by Cyprus Theatre Organization in 2018 for his artistic versatility, imaginativeness and boldness towards experimentation. Based on his choreographic research and movement vocabulary he has been an invited artist at the 7th ICM Seminar in Stockholm and has lead the seminar “This is not my body” at Warehouses Theatre in Nicosia.

21:00 'into the roots...'
A time to change, a time to remove the many layers of burdens that life places upon us. First the wind, she comes and goes with a power that strips us of our dignity. Naked we float as light as a falling feather, dancing to the music of life. Our heart cannot help itself, it can only return us to the cradle of life. Only there do we find the power to be born again, beyond the web of ego. Now we have an empty space. What will we fill it with? It is a time to reveal our spirituality.


Choreography/ Performer:
Aneesha Michael
Lighting design:
Panagiotis Manousis
Sound montage:
Second hand sound production - Nikolas Zavorianos
WhisperCrystal, Dilpreet Bhatia
Bush Hartshorn
Pavlos Vrionides

Special Thanks:
Susan Papa

Aneesha Michael:
Aneesha Michael graduated from the professional school of dance; Rallou Manou, Athens. In 2014 she produced her first work ‘Quest’, a naked body on a white sculpture, which has been performed several times. Followed by the works ‘Vente Ambulante’, and ‘Red VelVet’. The themes of her work have to do with humans and their spirituality. Her current investigations are into how movement relates to the anatomy of the body and experimenting with objects and how they relate to her presence as a performer. The unique characteristic of Aneesha is that she performs and choreographs in a meditative way. Often, if not always, she creates her choreography whilst on stage, performing following the energy, aligning her movement with nature’s elements, fire, earth, air, water and metal.

Tuesday 3rd December, 20:30
ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation:
Agion Omologiton Avenue 64, 1080, Nicosia, Cyprus
Reservations and Information: 99402046-96306617
Entrance: 5 Euro


Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019
Time: 20:30 - 21:30


64 Ayion Omoloyiton Avenue
Nicosia, Nicosia 1080, Cyprus
Phone: 22445455




Phone: 99402046

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