
time.mis.place.d is the first solo exhibition of the artist Ria Alexandrou.
The artist is aiming at challenging the term ‘error in judgment’ throughout her whole body of work, and asks of the viewers to experience full freedom of emotions and imagination while engaging with her art pieces. She considers the 'misunderstandings / misconceptions' of each viewer creative and alternative responses to the questions that her works raise, instead of considering them erroneous judgments. The artist creates endless discussions regarding the ideas of space, time and form, while she constantly questions their importance in the context of a trivial material world. The pieces cause the viewer to sometimes invoke before the logic, and sometimes the emotional thinking.
Being an artist who considers the process of creating equally important to the final result, she has developed a very 'practical' connection with her materials, considering them to be the vehicle of expression of her spiritual and psychological condition at that given moment. The very act of applying the colour on the fabrics is paramount - feelings are not depicted, but are rather ‘played out’ onto the surfaces. Rarely using the traditional canvas, the artist prefers using fabrics as a basis for her painting experimentations; fabrics which inspire the evolution of the composition dramatically, thereby being one of the main components of the final result.
Reinterpreting archetypes through abstraction, and having the figure and its (de)construction, the Platonic solids, and pre-historic art as the core of her inspiration, the artist creates as if she is constantly seeking her own eternal truth; nonetheless having the desire to ‘cut the umbilical cord’ with her pieces.
Within her work, the artist investigates the structure of space and time, through her use of stratifications, textures, lines and patterns. It feels similar to the way we experience the babel of information today. This idea of strata, of layers of images seen through time, of images within images, is like the way we see the world through computers: not as a single reality, but many realities at the same time.
Ria Alexandrou was born in Greece and raised in Cyprus. She graduated from the Athens School of Fine Arts, and has participated in numerous exhibitions in Greece and Cyprus. She currently lives and works in Limassol. time.mis.place.d is her first solo exhibition; part of the profits will be donated to the Theotokos foundation.
The exhibition will be inaugurated by Dr. Nadia Anaxagorou, Director of the Cultural Services at the Municipality of Limassol.
Curator: Sylia Panayiotidou
Media sponsor: Kanali 6
Inauguration date - Friday, 08/04/2016 at 19:30
Opening Hours
Monday - Sunday: 10:00 - 12:00 & 16:00 - 20:00
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