Von Dimitrakis

Cyprus : Von Dimitrakis

Theatro Skala presents the comedy of Dimitris Psathas "Von Dimitrakis", directed by Andreas Melekis.

Von Dimitrakis is an allegorical theatrical play with social and political messages written in 1946 during the Civil War.

The story takes place at a middle-class house in Athens of 1942. Dimitris Charitos is an incompetent, hypocritical and coward politician that aspires at becoming a minister. When he finally gets his chance through the Greek person that cooperates with the Nazis, he loses any sense of logic and ridicules himself for the sake of power. He recants his son –who as a guerilla fighter in the mountains threatens to tarnish his reputation- and gets attached to his ministerial chair hoping he would never lose it. His family though does not share his ideas. Apart from his son whose political convictions are diametrically opposed to his father’s, his daughter and brother unite their forces behind his back so that they can send food provisions to the fighters in the mountains. This makes a contradiction that receives very caustic comments.

(in Greek)


From: Thursday, August 10th, 2017
Until: Friday, August 11th, 2017
Time: Starts at 20:30


Kamil Kenan
Larnaca, Larnaca Cyprus

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Note: While every care has been taken to ensure the information provided is accurate, we advise you to check with the event organisers before travelling to confirm the details are correct.


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