Winter Kids University - Cosmos

Cyprus : Winter Kids University - Cosmos

ARTos Foundation is proud to present the trilogy for this year’s Kids University, entitled “BACK TO BASICS”, starting with Winter Kids University - “COSMOS” which will take place on the 4 & 5 January 2018.

Through a series of participatory workshops for children between the ages of 6 - 12 years old, Kids University aims to promote the knowledge and experience that help to create strong personalities and creative and critical thinkers, with free will and confidence.

Kids University is a workshop for curious and charismatic children, which has been taking place at the ARTos Foundation since 2005 with great success. Every winter, spring and summer, educators and professionals from the fields of the arts and sciences, create a specially designed programme where children have the opportunity to develop both of their brain hemispheres: the creative hemisphere and the logical hemisphere, as to be able to envision and materialize their dreams through creative expression, scientific knowledge as well as the strengthening of self-confidence. The citizens of tomorrow with these characteristics can communicate, coexist harmoniously and can create a world that takes the humankind one step further.

For the 2018 trilogy, Kids University partners up with the Creative Europe Programme ARTECITYA 2014 – 2018, for a series of interdisciplinary children workshops. The Spring Kids University is the second part of our trilogy through which children will have the opportunity to become inventors in life.

4 & 5 January 2018, 8:30* – 14:30
*The children can be at ARTos from 7:30 and engage in creative activities with the instructors.

Topics and Instructors:
Observatory with Achilleas Kentonis
Shadow Theatre with Marina Hadjilouca
Mythology – Story Telling with Marilena Kyriacou
Meditation & workout with Grigoris Mina

Participation fee: €25 (€20 for siblings) per day

For registrations and further information please contact us at:
99 611 159 and 22 445 455

Kids University 2018 | BACK TO BASICS – Cosmos, Birds Eye-view of our world, Microcosm & Macrocosm

Winter: 4 & 5 January 2018
Spring: 2 – 5 April 2018
Summer: 25 June – 6 July 2018


From: Thursday, January 4th, 2018
Until: Friday, January 5th, 2018
Time: 08:30 - 14:30


64 Ayion Omoloyiton Avenue
Nicosia, Nicosia 1080, Cyprus
Phone: 22445455


€25 (€20 for siblings)


Phone: 99611159

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