Ashure Workshop

Cyprus : Ashure Workshop

We are continuing to celebrate the Traditions in Cyprus with Ashure Day! Join us and learn to make this incredibly nutritious dessert with many ingredients!

Limited places are available, so please make sure to register at [email protected] by the 5th of September.

Participants will have the chance to follow the workshop in three languages - Turkish, Greek & English.

Participation fee (suggested): €3 / 18 TL.

*Please note that due to the long process of cooking ashure, this will not be a hands-on workshop for the participants, but a demonstration of the preparation and the cooking process.

At the end of the workshop, cooked ashure will be served to the participants and to everyone in the neighborhood!

Origin of Ashure:
Traditionally, ashure is served in Muslim countries during the 10th (or after the 10th) of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar. This day corresponds to the Day of Ashure (in Turkish, Aşure Günü) when according to the Book of Genesis, Noah came to rest on Mount Ararat. It is believed that Noah and his followers made this dessert from the leftover wheat, beans, chickpeas etc that were spilled on the floor from the ship.

Ashure is about sharing and this is the way it is made in large quantities and then distributed to people regardless of their religion or beliefs. It is a symbol of sharing, solidarity and love. It is believed that it also symbolizes death and rebirth, new beginnings, fertility and prosperity. Ashure is considered sacred: even if it goes bad, it is given to the birds, to the sea or to the soil rather than being thrown away.

This year Ashure Day, falls on the 9th of September.


Saturday, September 7th, 2019
Time: 10:30 - 12:00


28 Marcou Dracou Street
Opposite Ledra Palace
Nicosia, Nicosia 1102, Cyprus
Phone: 22445740




Hayriye Rüzgar
Phone: 22445740

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