L.F.E. - Nayia Savva

Cyprus : L.F.E. - Nayia Savva

Neoterismoi Toumazou invites Nayia Savva to showcase her lot.

L.F.E. is a project where she includes her new work along with that of Raissa Angeli, Stelios Kallinikou, Phanos Kyriacou, Orestis Lazouras, Panagiotis Mina, Andreas Panayides, Most Probably (Nayia Savva, Raissa Angeli, Marina Xenofontos), Maria Toumazou, Marina Xenofontos, Natalie Yiaxi and a responding text by Andreas Vrahimis.

The exhibition will take place at a flat in Strovolos and it will be available for viewing by appointment only after the opening.

Following, an excerpt from Andreas Vrahimis’ text:
"Nayia Savva has been collecting works of art made by her friends. She has been living with these works for some years now. She also makes artworks. And it is in her capacity as someone who makes works of art that Savva is opening up to public view the home which hosts those works that she has been living with.
Is there something about works of art that prevents their oikeiosis? Savva’s work approaches this problematic at first by asking whether there is something that makes works of art irreducible to ordinary objects of everyday (domestic) utility. Savva’s response to this question retains a certain indifferent opposition to the modernists’ dogmatic demarcations between the two, at first glance seeming to blur the lines between the work of art and the domestic setting in which it is positioned. Savva’s work shows the production of domestic space to involve hosting a number of artefacts, some of which happen to be works of art. Their display in this quasi-public domestic manner can easily be distinguished from the customary way of displaying works of art in a white cube (with all the accompanying presuppositions of Kantian disinterestedness). In this latter case, the outlines between ergon and parergon are meant to be clearly defined by the othering whiteness of the cube. The domestic setting of Savva's work, by contrast, simply eradicates the possibility of invoking the customary distinction between ergon and parergon, rendering every small parergic detail, from the picture frame (the cliche example of a parergon) to the zoccolatura, into a potential ergon."

Opening on March 3rd at 20:30

Opening hours: By appointment only


From: Friday, March 3rd, 2017
Until: Friday, March 10th, 2017
Time: See Description


29B Andrea Demetriou Street
Strovolos, Nicosia Cyprus
Phone: 96357857


Neoterismoi Toumazou
Phone: 96357857

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