Shootings on Mirrors

Cyprus : Shootings on Mirrors

Pictures and stories begin a dialogue between each other within the Pantheon Gallery. Memories, myth-making and false realities sketch out their idol in the mirror.

Three women artists meet for the first time in Cyprus and they attempt to examine queries revolving around the female sex. Recorded in the subconscious, the social rules and the culture of picture/ outlook directs its steps towards the mass in order continue its predetermined course. The main axis of report consists of both personal travels towards truth and regeneration of their identity. Each artist mobilises digital means in her own way, mirroring the daily routine and the outlines that she sketches out about women. Each artist adds her own optical corner as a factor in the exhibition with creations that are artistically of interest.

The artist, Nikoletta Karayiorgi, uses animation as a means of expression and investigates the repercussions that a woman can yield with her own beauty. The constant battle that society imposes on a woman, on many occasions, creates extreme repercussions. With an animated collage of photographs from the ancient symbol of beauty, Aphrodite, and the new models of beauty, the viewer can see the changes to the term of female beauty.

With a different approach, artist Aggela Chimona, through xperimental video, restores stories of the past. Childhood memories, human remembrance as well as the deterioration of identity are the main issues dealt with. Here, each narration is presented as real and not only genuine, representing it with the use of video, a medium that is often used to record “what is really happening” in the past, that can however be as unreliable as the memory. And so she examines different, potential truths that can offer different versions and new interpretations of the present and as a consequence the identity of the narrator.

On another hand, artist Chrysanthy Christoforou examines the end of reality with reference to artificial rebirth. The world of spectacle builds its own reality, where the regeneration of reality overcomes reality and looks perfect. The ideal is reflected through the fake images of happiness, messages and elements of comparison. The woman runs to serve the image of the ideal and it opposes in the cluck of the hen. The artist intervenes with spastic movements, bitter phrases, and ironic interventions while in no case does she differentiate herself from the world of the spectacle society.

Exhibition opens on on Friday 20th of November 2009 at 8.00pm

Opening Hours
11:00 - 13:00 & 17:00 - 20:00


On Weekdays
From: Friday, November 20th, 2009
Until: Friday, November 27th, 2009
Time: See Description


40 Evagorou Avenue
Pantheon Building, second floor
Nicosia, Nicosia Cyprus
Phone: 22670843


Phone: 22670843

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